Thursday, October 31, 2019
Contemporary Europe and the world Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Contemporary Europe and the world - Essay Example In this context Rebecca West, once famously remarked, â€Å"‘I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is. I only know that people call me feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or a prostitute.’†(West ; Walters, 2005, p. 1) It is clear from her statement that though feminism contains certain basic structure but since last two centuries it has encompassed such a wide range of activism that both perception and approach of common people towards it has changed to a great extent. Apart from its basic elements, feminism as a theory also includes different approaches and outlook of common people towards life. Barbara Smith, in the year 1979, tried to define Feminism as, â€Å"†¦the political theory and practice to free all women; women of color, working-class women, physically challenged women, lesbians, old women, as well as white economically privileged women.†On the one hand, feminism includes racism, sexism, cast differentiation and color discrimination and on the other it encompasses social, political and cultural approaches. Thus, it can be concisely said that racism is a particular philosophical approach, which conveys the theme of women liberty from any forms of social oppression. Different people have separate approaches towards feminism and they also feel in different ways about treatment of women in the society. The European feminist intellectuals may be largely accredited with the realization of the goals of feminism in the twentieth century in Europe. Their standpoint certainly helped the European women to fight to a great extent, against all forms of social oppressions biased towards their sex. Historically, emergence of feminist ideas in Europe occurred quite a long time back. During the French revolution first wave of feminist movement can be perceived as the idea that
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Power markets Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Power markets - Coursework Example This one-hour-in-advance arrangement for the provision of electricity functions as cut-off as after that time, no arrangement can be contracted to supply electricity; it is called as Gate Closure. Generators produce electricity as per the demanded capacity during the contracted half-hour for usage by the suppliers (ELEXON, 2012). Nevertheless, in the real-time of half-hour, possibility exists for suppliers estimating their electricity needs wrongly or failure on the part of generator to generate the settled electricity or a glitch could emerge in the transportation of electricity. It necessitates the actual time management for smooth functioning of the arrangement, which is played by the System Operator, the National Grid (ELEXON, 2012). Those generators having capacity to generate extra electricity other than the half-hour demand of the supplier can do so by making available the additional volume to the System Operator and fix a price they expect for the extra volume. Likewise, a Generator can decrease the volume of electricity generated and can fix a price for decreasing it. Likewise, suppliers not having any shortage of electricity can offer to decrease their demand to facilitate availability of extra electricity to the System Operator and can fix the price they expect for that. On the same length, suppliers can convey to the System Operator their demand for a pre-determined price. Such conversations between the stakeholders in technical terms are called Bids and Offers. An Offer is made to increase electricity generation or decrease demand for it while a Bid is made to decrease generation or increase demand (ELEXON, 2009). The System Operator manages supply and demand in each half an hour in real-time by accepting Bids or Offers conditional to an increase or decrease in electricity generation to fulfil demand. Later, metered volumes are measured for the half hour from Generators
Sunday, October 27, 2019
New Zealand Healthcare Organisations
New Zealand Healthcare Organisations Introduction Health care in New Zealand is affected by a number of factors that determine the trends and demands in terms of health. How the health workers plan for, implement and evaluate health interventions greatly depends on some environmental factors, attitudinal factors, international health policy and New Zealand campaigns and policy. In this paper, these determinants and their impact, whether direct or indirect, positive or negative, on the New Zealand healthcare will be thoroughly discussed. This paper also aims to tackle the role that organisations take part in promoting health care services and each of them playing different roles in determining the supply and demand of health care services. We will also compare the obstacles that exist in the New Zealand healthcare system to that of the United States of America’s. This will be done by assessing these countries in terms of safety issues, geographical, cultural, socioeconomic and organizational barriers. 1. Environmental determinants: 1.1 Demographic distribution of populations Presently, New Zealand became a multi diverse and more culturally nation. According to Statistics New Zealand, Population Statistics Units, the number of migrants coming into the country is increasing. The study conducted last 2006 focused on five (5) major ethnicity group with the estimation of total number of individual/ group living in the country. These were the European people including the New Zealander (67%), Maori (15%), Pacific people (7%), Asian (9%) and Middle Eastern/Latin American/African (1%). (Population Estimates at 30 June 1996, 2001 and 2006, 2014). New Zealand has an ageing population. This pattern shows a decline in fertility rate (birth control is properly utilised and easily available) and increase in length of life (on-going research and new technologies used in treating diseases). Moreover, there is also a projection in increase number of aged people on the year 2031. People on 65 years and above mostly suffer from a chronic diseases that result decline on the quality of their life. As a result of this, demand for disability and health care services will also rise. (An Ageing Population, 2014). Maori and Pacific people have a younger age group as compare to European people because they have increase number of birth and death rates. The latter group prefer to have lesser number of children. Asian people also have young structure population because most of them settled in New Zealand with their family at early age. (An Ageing Population, 2014). In China, there is a law known as â€Å"one child policy†to control the increasing population of the country which can result in increased sustainability of every family. 1.2 Social Generally, population of New Zealand have been experiencing increase in living standards. Factors contributed on this were increase in employment status, high educational attainment, safe living and working environment and awareness of the healthcare services available in the community. (Dew Davis, 2005). Poor household income is the top reason of being susceptible to poor health. Among all the groups residing in New Zealand, Maori and Pacific communities usually live in a small and crowded housing environment because of lower costs and the culture of extended families. As an outcome, there will be an increase cases of communicable diseases and mental health illnesses. (Dew Davis, 2005). Moreover, these group of people have the highest number of cases of cardiovascular problems, respiratory diseases and Cancer which is associated with poor eating habit (commercialised food), insufficient physical activities, heavy alcohol intake and smoking practice (roll-your-own cigarette). (The Health of New Zealand Adult 2011/12, 2012). 1.3 Cultural New Zealand is mainly a bicultural country which consists of white-skin settlers â€Å"Pakeha†and native people, the Maori. The relationship of these two groups started upon signing of Treaty of Waitangi between Queen Victoria and indigenous Maori people. (Shaw Deed, Health Environment in Aotearoa/ New Zeland, 2010). This became the foundation of Maori health acknowledging the principles of Partnership, Participation and Protection. (The Treaty of Waitangi , 2005). In providing healthcare services to Maori people, it is important to involve their whanau in formulating plan of care and refer them specifically to the Maori health team to address the language barrier which proved to be one of the reasons why they are hesitant to consult their health concerns to the a non-Maori health practitioner. Maori and Pacific group practise bed sharing room when raising their children because they believe that it is a way of building strong relationship and protecting their child on emergency situation such as SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). In contrast, Western people do not agree on this belief and for them independence and autonomy are the best outcome of having an individualised room. 1.4 Political In New Zealand, the healthcare delivery system is made up of numbers of policies and legislations that promotes quality care for all its population. Its government provides strategies to have a better health status for Maori and Non-Maori people living in the country. These includes New Zealand Health Strategy (NZHS) and New Zealand Disability Strategy (NZDS). The aims of these organizations are to decrease inequalities among its residents and communities and to improve coordination in both public and private sectors. (Statutory Framework, 2011) The New Zealand Health and Disability Strategy focuses on the primary health care which covers both promotion and prevention of the occurrence of diseases. For instance, Ministry of Health conducted campaign regarding smoking cessation and the government projected that by the year 2025, there will be no cases of smoking in the country. Preventive measures are also given to the public by means of providing support groups, counselling and reading materials. Furthermore, during the 1990, the government promulgated the Smoke-free Environments Act in New Zealand. (Smoke-free Environments Act, 2005). 1.5 Religious Maori view of good health is associated with their spiritual beliefs (wairuataga). When someone is ill, they conduct a ritual performed by tohunga also known as shamans or priests. (Shaw Deed, Health Environment in Aotearoa/ New Zeland, 2010). Same with Muslim people, they also believe that â€Å"Allah†is the one who decide on their health condition and the great healer of their sickness. Catholic group believe that genital mutilation is essential for male individual just like what Jesus Christ did in the past. In United States of America, 6 to 7 out of 10 new born babies are circumcised defending on the spiritual and cultural orientation of the family. According to this group, this procedure can lower the cases of diseases like meatitis (inflammation of the opening of the penis), urinary tract infection and sexually transmitted illness. (Circumcision: Medical Pros and Cons, 2012). On the other hand, European people generally do not engage themselves on circumcision because they believe of it is of no significance, scientifically and spiritually. Jehovah’s Witness people refuse blood transfusion because they believe that receiving blood is prohibited since it was scripted in the bible. 1.6 Values and Ethics According to Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 25, everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old-age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same protection. (Preamble, 2013). In view of the above, there are numbers of legislations that support the right of each individual in the access of healthcare services available in New Zealand. For example, the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000 (PHDA) provides a clear framework in improving, promoting and protecting health and well-being of its people. This law is further supported by the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 and Human Rights Act 1993 that deals with the discrimination of both public and private sectors. (Human Rights Legislation, 2008). Ethical values of these rights pertain to the individual equality that makes every people of New Zealand satisfied in regards to the healthcare services. There are studies of health that gender may contribute to the understanding of the factors and outcomes of inequalities. For instance, there are special needs for both men and women during treatment and rehabilitation after surgery or disability. (Shaw, White, Deed, Health, Wellbeing Environment in Aotearoa New Zealand, 2013). 1.7 Traditions Maori people believe on a traditional way of maintaining a good health and preventing illness. This holistic approach is called Te Whara Tapa Wha which ensures balance of four (4) important aspects of their health; the Te taha wairau (spiritual), Tet aha hinengaro (mind), Te taha tinana (physical) and Tet aha whanau (family). (Shaw Deed, Health Environment in Aotearoa/ New Zeland, 2010). This native people also practise the traditional way of healing through massage (Mirimiri) and herbal treatment (Rongoa). These group also believe that natural environment like forest has a therapeutic effect on their well-being. In addition, Asian countries like China and Philippines also believe in traditional healers and use medicinal plants in treating sickness. 2. Attitudinal determinants: Public attitudes 2.1 Concepts of health Public health refers to systematic measures to prevent disease, promotion of health, and prolonging life among the entire population. The public concept of what illness is the way people perceive their symptom is largely influenced by his or her cultural background which in turn influence how the person reacts. According to World Health Organisation, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well- being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. (WHO definition of Health , 2003). As defined by Oxford English Dictionary, it is the state of being free from sickness, injury, disease, bodily conditions; indicating good bodily condition. (Definition and concepts of health, n.d.). In the view of Rene Dubos, health is the state of health or disease are the expressions of the success or failure experienced by the organism in its efforts to respond adaptively to environmental changes. (Health , 2004). 2.2 Concepts of illness The Public Concept of Illness There are two factors that determine the attitude of public towards illness; socio economic factor and cultural factor, these factors play an integral role in how a certain person reacts to his health condition. According to the World Health Organization socio economic status can greatly affect the quality of life, people living in a low socio economic quality leads to poor health practices of the people and access to quality health services is limited. Cultural beliefs are believed to be vital for peoples well-being and dignity and cultural beliefs dictate the vast majority of our effort to maintain our state of total well-being. According to Susser, illness is a subjective sense of feeling unwell; illness does not define a specific pathology but refers to person’s subjective experience of it such as discomfort, tiredness and/or general malaise. (Illness, Sickness and Disease, n.d.). As described by Kozier, it is a highly personal state in which the person’s physical, emotional, intellectual, social, developmental and spiritual functioning is thought to be diminished. (Kozier, Erb, Glenora, Berman, Snyder, 2004). 2.3 The importance the public put on health Most people think that promoting health and wellness is better than curing disease. In achieving the quality of life, most New Zealanders choose to live a healthy lifestyle by eating nutritious food, adequate exercise and a work-life balance. Through this, the impact of the media and technology has influenced the importance of maintaining a better life. (Shaw Deed, Health Environment in Aotearoa/ New Zeland, 2010). Presently, people do not encourage artificial way of food consumption such as microwavable, processed and commercialised food because they are now into natural and organic process. Although, organic food is more expensive than ordinary food but the nutritional value is more likely. In addition, people engage themselves on active campaigns such as marathon, walkathon, swimming and cycling that help them to remain fit and healthy. 2.4 Public attitudes towards health and medical professionals Generally, medical professionals are treated with respect and regarded highly by the public. They are looked up to and considered lifesavers. With the Ministry of Health’s goal to extend and improve the New Zealander’s quality of life, awareness on health and health care delivery system is increased, causing the people (Maori and Pakeha alike) to demand more of the health care services. However, there are still disparities in the attitudes of the Maori and Non-Maori, as well as in their health. This represent the fact that Maori health rights are not being protected as guaranteed under the treaty and that the social, cultural, economic and political factors indicate a widening gap between Maori and non-Maori (Ellison-Loschmann, 2006). Maori still have apprehensions in getting medical consultation or health care services because of their culture and traditions and health illiteracy. They still view health problems in the spiritual realm as punishments for their sins. Some of them don’t understand that these are consequences of bad health habits. They are also adamant to get health care services from Maori health workers. However, as the importance of health is promoted by the government, the gap between the attitudes of the Maori and non-Maori may be closed soon. 3. The influence of International health policy on healthcare of New Zealand Globally the demand for attention in certain areas in health care necessitates the formulation of international health policy; the creation of Millennium Development Goals (MDG) primarily aims for logical global health policy. Global decision makers can greatly influence and shape how New Zealand prioritizes the needs of reform or how to address particular health problem of the community. (UNDP, 2013). Millennium Development Goals has been created to create has eight key areas 1. Eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, 2. Achieve universal primary education, 3. Promote gender equality and empower women, 4. Reduce child mortality, 5. Improve maternal health, 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases, 7. Ensure environmental sustainability, 8. Develop a global partnership for development. The influence of international health policy to New Zealand health sector is evident through its policy prescriptions on the above mentioned eight (8) key areas. Goal number 8 sets objectives to the developed countries like New Zealand to extend relief to underdeveloped countries. (Parliament, 2011). According to New Zealand Parliament over half of New Zealand’s official development assistance (ODA) goes to the pacific region, approximately 71% of the 2011/2012 country programme expenditure is allocated to eight countries: Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Vanuatu, Tonga, Cook Islands, Tokelau and Samoa. The participation of New Zealand in achieving MDG number 8 by extending aide to the Pacific region illustrate that New Zealand has contributed in achieving best possible health to its neighbouring countries.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Kotter Model Essays -- Narrative, Change, Organization
Narrative Essay The second semester of the Sergeants Major course covers a lot of material on Organizations, Leaders, Power, Influence, Stress, Ethics, Vision, Culture and Climate. The knowledge gained from block (s) L103, L105, L107 and L109 are important to future Operations Sergeants Major because; we will be able to assist the commander through the process of changing the climate and culture and enabling the unit to become stronger as a team. Kotter Model The Kotter Model comes from the L103 block it is an eight stage model that helps avoid mutual issues that plague the smallest change attempts in an organization. Organizations leaders will lead their organizations through this process in order to have a positive and long lasting effect. A leader cannot prematurely hurdle, bounce or make a serious mistake inside a step by doing any of those would have a destructive effect on a successful accomplishment of change. The stages of the Kotter Model are: (1) establishing a sense of urgency (2) creating the guiding coalition (3) developing a vision and strategy (4) communicating the change vision (5) empowering a broad base of people to take action (6) generating short-term wins (7) consolidating gains and producing even more change (8) institutionalizing new approaches in the culture. This Model guides leaders through the process of attempting to change the climate and culture of an organization; I will explain each stage briefly. In stage one it is vibrant the leader institutes a sense of determination by showing the rewards and significant of change. The second stage leaders must organize and support the adjustment development. By building a resilient support team based on belief and common understanding will encour... ...uraging actions necessary to carry out the vision; and continue to take the organization to a higher level. As we think about visions remember the Army’s vision and how it has changed a few times over the years and to support the change they came up with Slogans. A vision builder must ensure if you use a slogan it must have meaning, do not use an empty one just to have one. Remember a vision is a key used by Leaders to move their organizations successfully into the future. Conclusion In conclusion I have given details of what I erudite and was taught in the second semester of the academy. The knowledge gained from block (s) L103, L105, L107 and L109 are important to future Operations Sergeants Major because; we will be able to assist the commander through the process of changing the climate and culture and enabling the unit to become stronger as a team. Kotter Model Essays -- Narrative, Change, Organization Narrative Essay The second semester of the Sergeants Major course covers a lot of material on Organizations, Leaders, Power, Influence, Stress, Ethics, Vision, Culture and Climate. The knowledge gained from block (s) L103, L105, L107 and L109 are important to future Operations Sergeants Major because; we will be able to assist the commander through the process of changing the climate and culture and enabling the unit to become stronger as a team. Kotter Model The Kotter Model comes from the L103 block it is an eight stage model that helps avoid mutual issues that plague the smallest change attempts in an organization. Organizations leaders will lead their organizations through this process in order to have a positive and long lasting effect. A leader cannot prematurely hurdle, bounce or make a serious mistake inside a step by doing any of those would have a destructive effect on a successful accomplishment of change. The stages of the Kotter Model are: (1) establishing a sense of urgency (2) creating the guiding coalition (3) developing a vision and strategy (4) communicating the change vision (5) empowering a broad base of people to take action (6) generating short-term wins (7) consolidating gains and producing even more change (8) institutionalizing new approaches in the culture. This Model guides leaders through the process of attempting to change the climate and culture of an organization; I will explain each stage briefly. In stage one it is vibrant the leader institutes a sense of determination by showing the rewards and significant of change. The second stage leaders must organize and support the adjustment development. By building a resilient support team based on belief and common understanding will encour... ...uraging actions necessary to carry out the vision; and continue to take the organization to a higher level. As we think about visions remember the Army’s vision and how it has changed a few times over the years and to support the change they came up with Slogans. A vision builder must ensure if you use a slogan it must have meaning, do not use an empty one just to have one. Remember a vision is a key used by Leaders to move their organizations successfully into the future. Conclusion In conclusion I have given details of what I erudite and was taught in the second semester of the academy. The knowledge gained from block (s) L103, L105, L107 and L109 are important to future Operations Sergeants Major because; we will be able to assist the commander through the process of changing the climate and culture and enabling the unit to become stronger as a team.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Darkness from Within: Analyzing Hawthorne’s Essay
Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†is a chilling exploration of how a man could project upon others his own darkness. Through a pact with the Devil, Goodman Brown becomes obsessed with the supposed sins of the townspeople. Hawthorne utilized many symbolisms to depict how Goodman Brown transformed into â€Å"a stern, a sad, a darkly meditative, a distrustful, if not a desperate man did he become†(91). To use a word descriptive of many people today, Goodman Brown became a cynic. So when he died, the townspeople â€Å"carved no hopeful verse upon his tombstone, for his dying hour was gloom†(92). At the start of the story, Goodman Brown was a naive young man who has just been married. He has a dream in which he sees all the best people in the village, including his wife. Presumably, in his experience with sex in his newly-married state, the sexuality  the human quality  of everyone, including his wife, his parents, his minister, and his teachers, dawns on him in a traumatic way in that he has always been taught by his Puritan teachers that the flesh is sinful. However, Goodman Brown had seen both the best and the worst in human nature. In this process, Goodman loses his â€Å"faith†and his love and chooses to believe the worst. The story did not tell everything as easy because readers are enjoined to assume that Goodman Brown’s former innocence had been derived from ignorance, as knowledge comes to him with so much intensity that he is not able to excuse himself for the ignorance that he had. And he blames everyone else because none of them told him these things before. In short, he wants to have had divine knowledge, and he thus challenges the way of things in every respect. Just by being human, people he sees through his loveless eyes transform into witches. Those who have this loveless view of others have already, ironically, partaken of the devil’s baptism. Like Brown, they forever after will be â€Å"more conscious of the secret guilt of others, both in deed and thought, than they could now be of their own†(91). Reading â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†is a good motivation for examining point of view  the way we see other people. The result is a reversal of roles between good and evil, which is like the reversal that occurred after the hysteria of 1692 whereby the â€Å"witches†were perceived as martyrs and the accusers and condemners were seen as persecutors. Hawthorne is interested in what people’s points of view and judgment tell us about them, so the focus in the discussion of witchcraft is primarily on those who see witchcraft in others. The story is rich in symbolisms thst make up what it lacks in physical descriptions, which contributes to its reader’s puzzlement that more often becomes fear. In the story, we only know that Faith has a â€Å"pretty head†(83); that Goodman Brown is young; that Goody Cloyse is â€Å"a female figure†(85) who cackles; that Martha Carrier is â€Å"a rampant hag†(90); that the crowd in the forest is â€Å"a grave and dark-clad company†(89). The reason why Hawthorne avoids particulars in this story is because the unreality and vagueness increase the nightmarish atmosphere of the story. For instance, why is Faith’s â€Å"pink ribbons†is mentioned five times in all? What is the meaning of the appearance of the ribbons in the woods? It would seem to be a concrete evidence that something bad occurred to her. Fogle (1964, p. 18) suggested otherwise: â€Å"If Goodman Brown is dreaming the ribbon may be taken as part and parcel of his dream. . . This pink ribbon appears in his wife’s hair once more as she meets his on his return to Salem the next morning†. For me, what’s more frightening in Hawthorne’s â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†is not the devil, the witchcraft or even Brown’s solitary walk through the forest at dusk, but it is the contrast between Brown’s innocence and the evil that he comes to learn is hidden in his very own community. Works Cited Fogle, Robert Harter. Hawthorne’s Fiction: The Light and Dark (Norman: Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1964). Hawthorne, Nathaniel. â€Å"Young Goodman Brownâ€
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Meaning of Being Educated
The Meaning of Being an Educated Person Being educated is one of the most important attribute a person can have. However, there is a difference between being educated from experience and being educated from readings and schoolwork. Though being knowledgeable through experience allows a person to be thought of as well-rounded, the basics of his or her own rights and abilities are often overlooked. Not too many people can recite all of their rights and capabilities and be able to explain them to an outsider. The American legal system is increasingly important with the constant changes in what is acceptable to our society.Being well-educated in the rights of one’s country allows for a citizen to become more involved and in turn, appreciate his or her country. An exact definition of educated would be termed as â€Å"having an education or having knowledge based from fact†, according to the online Merriam-Webster Dictionary. To become educated, a person enters and may commit to a continuous process. Education is a process of gaining knowledge through self-examination and will, interactions with peers or elders, pure experience. One can even say that a person is educated through instinct alone.However, instinct alone cannot suffice if one wishes to enter the job force and rise in society. There is also a responsibility that comes along with gaining education. With the acquiring of knowledge there is the choice to use it to one’s advantage or to keep it to oneself. Education is variable. One can be more educated in law than another, and one can be more educated in music than another. How educated a person is is dependent on how much they want to learn about a subject. Not every piece of knowledge about the American government is handed to each citizen.Though many do not seek further education beyond high school, the resources are there for the use of learning and practicing one’s freedom. An example of a well-educated person in terms of an American’s rights and liberties would be a lawyer. A lawyer is schooled for many years about the legal system, including the laws and constitution of America. It is with their degree that lawyers gain the right and trust to provide legal advice and guidance. Some lawyers further their education and occupational ranking by becoming magistrates.Magistrates are looked upon has having a high education and understanding of the law, rights, and regulations of our society. Another example would be the occupation of a police officer. A police officer acts as a guide and stable hand to the society of America. A police officer learns and practices the constitutional law and keeps wrongdoers in check as much as possible. They create a safer environment for people to live in and lead by example by enforcing the rules as sternly as possible. When a criminal or delinquent is arrested they are confronted by the officer saying â€Å"you have the right to remain silent†.The police offi cer is making the citizen aware of their right as an American. When a business is made and operated, the owner or owners practice their legal rights as an American. These rights are laid out in exact detail through a contract signed in the process of starting a business. The owner is well educated in the law and rights that he or she must follow and practice. As a business owner, one will practice property rights most often. â€Å"Property is a set of legal rights to exclude others from interfering with one's acquisition, possession, use, and transfer of limited resources†(Reed 451).By owning a business, a person has the right to acquire, dispose of, and use property freely. According to the Cato Handbook for Policymakers, property is the foundation of every right we Americans have, which includes the right to be free. Therefore, every land owner practices their rights as an American. â€Å"When laws are generally and equally applicable they will tend to produce a beneficia l social order because lawmakers cannot benefit themselves exclusively but only as they also benefit the populace as a whole†(Reed 450). The laws are set in the U. S.Constitution in order to provide order and stability in the American society. The writers of the constitution were not as learned about society and democracy as people are today, but they were educated enough to realize what laws and guidelines would create a greater society and social system. The constitution allows for certain authorities to lead the United States. These authorities have a greater understanding and education about how society should work and run. With a greater education and understanding of the United States laws and freedoms, an American citizen has the capacity to appreciate and take part in their society.A well educated person has knowledge of fact and experience combined whether it is from schooling or by random occurrence. Through schooling, one can become part of the American government and practice the law by providing guidance and stability for citizens who may seem unaware. With numerous resources available to anyone in America, the ability to become well-educated in the subject of the government and the rights of the American citizen is easy.Works Cited A Summary of the US Constitution. n. d. 15 June 2011 lt;http://www2. waketech. edu/blogs/elcivics/files/2011/03/summary-of-the-USConstitution. pdf;gt;. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. â€Å"educated. †n. d. Merriam-Webster. com. 17 June 2011 ;lt; http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/educated;gt; â€Å"Property Rights and the Constitution. †Cato Handbook for Policymakers 7. (2009): 345-362 17 June 2011. Reed, O. Lee. â€Å"Law, The Rule of Law, and Property: A Foundation for the Private Market and Business Study. †American Business Law Journal 8. (2001): 441-474. Web. 17 June 2011.
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