Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The One Thing to Do for World History Argumentative Essay Topics
The One Thing to Do for World History Argumentative Essay Topics How to Choose World History Argumentative Essay Topics When the writer gets familiar with the topic they can piece together their findings which best represent the intention of the paper. Afterwards, the greatest action to do is to narrow the subject down according to the guidelines offered by your professor. You may start with an introductory paragraph. If you wish to compose the essay yourself, we believe it would be best to pick a universal subject or issue. Think of the subject of the history essay you've already written before. If you would like to compose a superior history essay you'd better pick a topic that is familiar to you. The topic ought to be quite controversial once you are writing an argumentative write up. It is the most important thing for an essay. Now you can get genuine college essay online, one that is going to fit your financial plan and get your work done also. Following that, writers would need to have the ability to take a very clear stand on what they think is right regarding the issue till they begin writing their arguments. Once you receive a task done from us you will return again if you need assistance with another one of your essays. Every time you demand quick assistance by means of your task, contact on-line expert writing service which could prepare an argumentative essay on the subject you prefer. If you are feeling unsure at any time, you should go for low-cost essay writing services readily available online as opposed to risking for any error. There are a lot of reasons why you must prefer our services. The actual individuals highly praise our essay help site. The Appeal of World History Argumentative Essay Topics There are lots of assortments of topics based on the subject you would decide to compose a paper. You need to be quite sure in regards to the notion that you would like to expand on. Your topic idea ought to be something you'll be able to complete in a timely matter and offer interesting information for readers. Your very first idea is nearly always very likely to be too large. Perhaps you still must understand more about the way to compose a history paper. It is an impossible task to write a fantastic history paper if you write about something you find boring and don't care about in any way. From time to time, however, it can be a bit difficult to locate a topic and even more interesting sub-topic to investigate and compose a whole paper on. If you are searching for some controversial topics for research paper, you've reached the appropriate page. New Ideas Into World History Argumentative Essay Topics Never Before Revealed The function of the USA has been integral in the evolution of the digitally advanced connected world. Some say that it's Germany due to their invasion of Belgium. Some historians feel that Japan was on the brink of surrender even though others argue an invasion of Japan would have been an inevitable bloodbath. World History Research Papers involve an amazing quantity of information. World History Argumentative Essay Topics - Dead or Alive? Your language selection will be contingent on this issue. In case it means doing a couple of revisions, don't hesitate to achieve that. Below, it is possible to also locate a list of good topics that you are able to use if you like them. Write a list of ideas you've got or a list of things you're interested in. You may easily buy unique college essays and don't neglect to tell friends and family about it. While it's true that there are a few excellent writers in college some find it extremely tough to write. Doing sports in college ought to be mandatory. You might need to search on the internet or check out magazines that announce such contests from time to time.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Deal Book Essay - 1524 Words
Deal Book Critique Liberty University Summary This book gives single parents an ideal of what to expect when dating. When a person has children sometimes it difficult to find a date, even to find time to date someone. Ron L. Deal has come up with different guidelines to help a single person find love in all the right places. Getting Past Butterflies and Warm Fuzzies God made people to be loved. Some people have the longing desire to be loved and married one day while others do not have the desire to have a marriage. When a parent wants again to find love many questions go threw there head according to Deal. How do I introduce my children to a new friend How is dating or a marriage going to affect my children How do I know if my†¦show more content†¦It is not important to move on fast, but to examine how the past has made an impact on you and your children. A person that has been divorce should see if the relationship with spouse could be reconciled. Deal recommends tha t you should prep yourself and the kids for dating. The family should conquer fears of what they have. Adult fears can consist of losing kid connection, causing kid pain, not blending, choosing a mate poorly, ex-spouse fear, fearing spiritual judgment. The person should rate their fear between 1-10. Single parents should pray to God and ask him to help you overcome your fears and help you have successful dating relationship. Parents should commit to each other fully to love one another. Help children overcome their fears by telling them that you will always love them no matter what. Children are very smart and they want to know what is going on. Have conversations with them about how things might change with you dating. Remain patient with your children and do not force them to love your partner like you love them. This will take time and do not give up. Gone Fishing Not every relationship is going to work and it is important to notice certain signs that the relationship will not work. The first and most important sign is not sharing the same spiritual beliefs. IF he is pressuring you to get married with a relationship with God, then a person should rethink theirShow MoreRelated Homosexuality, Suicide and Feminism in Cunninghams, The Hours611 Words  | 3 PagesPeople magazine, Michael Cunningham describes The Hours as essentially an optimistic book that deals with the terrible things that happen to people(105). More precisely, the book is about three women living in different eras and addresses several issues, among them homosexuality, suicide, and feminism. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Public Enforcement Institutional Investors - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Public Enforcement Institutional Investors? Answer: Introduction: The impairment reviewing of goodwill by organization is done at level of cash generating unit and the impairment testing of goodwill as per the IAS 136 are performed at level that does not exceed operating segments. Allocation of goodwill acquired in business combination is done at cash generating unit. It is essential for organization to alter the composition of one or more acquired cash generating unit to which the allocation of goodwill as been done. One of the basic principles of impairment as per IAS 136 is that the carrying value of assets should not be more than their recoverable amount that is higher of value in use and fair value of assets less costs. In this regard, it is required by entities to tests all the assets that are in the scope for potential impairment for goodwill and intangible assets having indefinite useful lives. It is required by the standard that recognition of any impairment loss should be done as an expense in profit or loss that are carried out at costs. Impairment loss is first recorded against revaluation gains that are recognized previously if the revaluations of affected assets are done in accordance to IAS 16 property, plant and equipment (Avallone and Quagli 2015). For the assets other than goodwill, recognition of impairment loss in prior period is required to be reversed. This reversal should be done when there are any alterations in the estimates for determining recoverable amount of assets. Th ere should be extensive disclosures regarding the recognition of impairment loss and carrying out impairment testing. Discussion: Recognition of loss related to impairment is done to the extent that assets recoverable amount is less than their carrying amount. Losses resulting from impairment for the assets that are carried historical costs are recognized immediately as an expense in the statement of profit and loss. If under IAS 16 or 38, recognition of impairment loss is done as a decrease in revaluation if the revalued assets are impaired assets. Such decrease in revaluation is immediately recognized in the comprehensive income. This has the impact in terms of declining value that reduces revaluation surplus of assets. Recognition of impairment loss is done immediately in the statement of profit and loss as an expense and this is done to the extent that revaluation surplus is less than impairment loss. Impaired assets carrying amount after the recognition of impairment loss will never be decreased to below the higher of recoverable amount of individual assets an zero (Chen et al. 2014). When the group of cash generating unit (CGU) or a CGU where the allocation of goodwill done is tested for the purpose of impairment, then firstly allocation of loss arising from impairment is performed to reduce the carrying amount of goodwill. Allocation of any existed remaining loss is attributed on pro rata to the other assets of CGU based on carrying amount each asset in CGU. Nonetheless, assets carrying value in this regard is never reduced to below of higher of recoverable amount of individual assets and zero. Allocation of impairment loss for a group of CGU will have the identical process as that of single CGU (Knauer and Whrmann 2016). Recognition of impairment loss for an asset other than goodwill is done by gathering information from external and internal sources and such loss have decreased or they no longer exist. Some internal indicators indicating recognition of impairment loss incorporates favorable and positive changes in the performance and use of assets. Market conditions and considerable favorable changes in the value of assets are some of the external indicators indicating impairment loss (Johansson et al. 2016). Consequently, reversal of assets other than goodwill is completed if there is improvement in estimates for determining recoverable amount of CGU and assets. It was done since the last recognition of impairment loss. However, change or improvement in general market scenario and passing of time cannot form the basis of recognition of impairment reversal. Assets carrying amount should not be less than their adjusted carrying amount when impairment reversal has been recognized, as it would have det ermined there are no impairment losses. However, even if there is no reversal of impairment loss and there is no indication of impairment existence, organizations are required to adjust or review the residual value, depreciation methods and remaining useful life of assets. Reversal of impairment losses for goodwill is specifically prohibited by IAS 136 (Glaum et al. 2017). Any losses arising from impairment at the date of transition are recorded by adjusting retained earnings. Goodwill that is acquired in business combinations is allocated to CGU acquirer. Impairment testing of goodwill under IAS 136, Impairment of Assets is performed at level that should not be more than operating segments. Recoverable amount of individual assets are same as that of CGU. Assets carrying amount involves assets that are exclusively and directly attributable to the CGU and assets allocation that are not directly attributable on consistent and reasonable to CGU (Glaum et al. 2015). When computing disposal of profit and loss, goodwill that are incorporated in the carrying amount of operations and are attributable to disposition. Assets carrying amount within CGU s required to be reduced below the highest of value in use, fair value minus cost to sell and zero when impairment loss is allocated to CGU (Bepari et al. 2017). Impairment that has not be allocated should be reall ocated to other assets of CGU and it is subjected to same limits ( 2018). Until, there is full allocation of impairment loss, this process would continue. Impairment loss recognition should not lead to liability recognition unless the definition of liability is met under reporting standard. Conclusion: Impairment loss allocation as per IFRS 3, Business combinations brings in new opportunities when dealing with goodwill. Goodwill that involves CGU is tested annually for the impairment purpose. Impairment is calculated by comparing recoverable amount of CGU with the grossed up amount. Only, the share of impairment loss of holing company is recognized in the statement of profit and loss. Entities electing the employment of fair value method and using the full goodwill method, impairment loss that is charged to loss and profit is higher. Under the standard IAS 136, losses arising from impairment are allocated to goodwill in first stage and subsequently it is done to identifiable assets using pro rata basis. References list: Avallone, F. and Quagli, A., 2015. Insight into the variables used to manage the goodwill impairment test under IAS 36.Advances in Accounting,31(1), pp.107-114. Bepari, M.K., Bepari, M.K., Mollik, A.T. and Mollik, A.T., 2017. Regime change in the accounting for goodwill: Goodwill write-offs and the value relevance of older goodwill.International Journal of Accounting Information Management,25(1), pp.43-69. Chen, W., Shroff, P.K. and Zhang, I., 2014. Fair Value Accounting: Consequences of Booking Market-driven Goodwill Impairment. Glaum, M., Landsman, W. and Wyrwa, S., 2017. Goodwill Impairment: The Effects of Public Enforcement and Monitoring by Institutional Investors. Glaum, M., Landsman, W.R. and Wyrwa, S., 2015. Determinants of Goodwill Impairment: International Evidence. Glaum, M., Landsman, W.R. and Wyrwa, S., 2015.Determinants of Goodwill Impairment under IFRS: International Evidence. Working Paper, available at: https://ssrn. com/abstract= 2608425. Johansson, S.E., Hjelstrm, T. and Hellman, N., 2016. Accounting for goodwill under IFRS: A critical analysis.Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation,27, pp.13-25. Knauer, T. and Whrmann, A., 2016. Market reaction to goodwill impairments.European Accounting Review,25(3), pp.421-449., A. (2018).Impairment of goodwill and CGUs | ACCA Global. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Jan. 2018].
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Sleepy Time Gal Essay Example
Sleepy Time Gal Essay The stories Sleepy Time Gal by Gary Gildner and Happy Endings by Margaret Atwood have an array of interesting characters that are portrayed using many devices such as actions, words, reputation, other characters and direct comment. The first story Sleepy Time Gal by Gary Gildner is about a man named Phil, his girlfriend and how they did not end up together. Two characters will be discussed from this story due to their relevance in the portrayal of the other. They are the narrator’s mother and father. The narrator’s father was is a practical person. This was first made known by the narrator to the readers when he described his father â€Å"gentle, but practical†[1] to forewarn the readers of the type of observations his father will contribute to the story. This direct comment helped in emphasizing this characteristic which, without it, will not be easily be noticeable. Moreover, while the claim that his father is gentle and practical comes from the narrator alone, it may be claimed that such comment is the general reputation of the father based on the way it was written. The text reads, â€Å"I have to break in here and say that my father, a gentle but practical man†¦Ã¢â‚¬ [2]. The description was stated as a matter of fact, and not of a personal opinion, as if people around them will not disagree to the fact of such description. We will write a custom essay sample on Sleepy Time Gal specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Sleepy Time Gal specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Sleepy Time Gal specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer However, the portrayal of the father’s characteristic did not stop here. It further used words by the father and comparison with other characters to prove and highlight the fact of such characteristics. As regards words, the narrator emphasized the fact that the father tend to focus more of facts and practical matters such as the great Depression. This fact was shown further later on in the story. While the story the father was telling his son is about his friend’s life and love, an account that is supposed to be emotional to some extent, the focus of his observations are not the emotions, but the events. This point will be made clearer with the discussion of how the character of the father is portrayed through other characters. At this point, it will be necessary to introduce the second character from the story. She is the mother of the narrator. It is her through her contributions in the story that she portrayed. She is also portrayed through her use of words and narration. She uses words that are more poetic such as â€Å"got tears in her eyes†instead of crying and â€Å"see it in their eyes†[3]. Even the narrator seems to find his father incapable of such words that when the words â€Å"see it in their eyes†were used in the story, he found it important to note that such was not â€Å"in [his] father’s telling†[4]. Contrary to what the father is, the mother is less practical and is rather more romantic and emotional. She sees the emotional parts of the story that the father tends to skip. Therefore, while the father is remarking on how â€Å"Phil spent his week’s pay on a new shirt and tie, the first one he ever owned†¦.†the night before Philâ€℠¢s girlfriend left for college, his mother is talking about how â€Å"[t]he women got tears in their eyes when Phil played her song†¦Ã¢â‚¬ [5] Oftentimes, their statements come one after the others’, thus making the difference between their perspectives more marked and noticeable, making each of them a perfect tool to portray the other. This brings us to the second story Happy Endings, which is about happy endings that are not endings because they turn sour again for the characters in the story until they die. In this story, the most interesting character to discuss is the narrator. There are many characters used in the story. There are John, Mary, Madge, John, James and Fred. However, they are not portrayed in the story in the sense that they are not relevant as characters. They are merely tools to portray the narrator. Again, they were just â€Å"used†. They were only used to portray the narrator’s view about happy endings. There is no happy ending. Just when the characters finally have a happy ending of their own, the narrator will twist it to make it sour, sad and complicated. This change may still end in another happy ending, but that second happy ending will again be made sour, sad and complicated. This cycle continues until the character dies. Such belief shows cynicism on the part of the narrator and portrays him to be an unhappy person. He is one who believes that what happy ending he may have will not last because he does not believe in happy endings. The only true ending is death and all the others are fakes. For him, happy endings are j ust fake endings â€Å"either deliberately fake, with malicious intent to deceive, or just motivated by excessive optimism if not by downright sentimentality†[6]. Her character is also portrayed by the words he used in telling John, Mary, Madge, John, James and Fred. Their stories were told through a series of events as if these events ordinarily happen in everyone’s lives, devoid of any emotion and sentimentality. They are just facts about certain people’s lives. Each story ends with a happy ending, at least before they turn sour again, but these happy endings are not told in a happy way unlike how other happy endings would be told.
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