Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Canons Of Good Taxation Essay - 1464 Words
Canons of good taxation refer to Adam Smith’s study illustrated in the book ‘Wealth of Nations’. The canons consist of equity, certainty, convenience and efficiency are used to determine the effectiveness of a tax system. This report will critically analyse these canons in relation to the recent bright-line test announced by the government. The bright-line test seeks to improve upon the intention test under ss CB 6-CB 15 by proposing income tax on gains received from disposal of residential property within 2 years of purchase. This new rule is used to address property speculation, as it is seen as the primary cause of the increasingly high residential property prices in New Zealand in particular Auckland. The average value of residential homes in Auckland in February 2015 was $786,106. Now in February 2016 the average value is $925,656 that is a staggering 17.8% increase in just one year. Generally speaking, the bright-line test is in favour of Adam Smith’s canon of equity. This is because it further taxes New Zealanders, who derive the ‘same’ income through wages and salaries as someone who receives income through the sale of property (Provided it is within 2 years of purchase). Beforehand, only people who fail the intention test under ss CB 6-CB 15 would be exempt from tax. The bright-line test acts as a supplement to the intention test, resulting in a greater number of people with similar incomes being taxed and thus increasing what is called horizontal equity.Show MoreRelatedCorporate Taxation Essay1986 Words  | 8 Pagesare collected via taxation. These are the most basic operations of government which requires tax funds. A few other complicated reasons for the collection of tax can be to fund wars or encourage a rapid economic development – which all requires funds. Tax policy can also be very useful and effective to attain price stability, control business boom and depressions and to maintain full employment. Tax is also used to diminish inequalities in society via income and wealth taxation, where those withRead MoreEquity: Tax and Adam Smith Essay2030 Words  | 9 PagesIntroduction This piece of eassy will contain two sections. In this part of the eassy I will discuss the meaning and importance of equity in taxation since Adam Smith included it as one of the Canons of taxation. Equity is defined as â€Å"redistributive taxation induces allocative distortions by driving a wedge between the price the consumer pays and the price the producer receives†(Begg et al. 2005, p.219). There are two types of equity to be considered: the horizontal equity, and vertical equityRead MoreTaxation And Its Effect On Economic Activities1687 Words  | 7 PagesTaxation plays an essential role in our daily life. The tax is compulsory levy from the government used to provide service and benefits to society which nothing will be return received directly.This essay attempts to explain how to create a good tax system or the characteristics of a good tax system, and the challenges the policy maker might face. The study of the tax policy is concerned with the design of a tax system that is capable of financin g the necessary level of public spending in the most efficient and equitable way possibleRead MoreTax System in Bangladesh2828 Words  | 12 PagesSystem. For example, Tax System of Bangladesh, tax structure in Bangladesh , canon of taxation and implementation of the canon of tax in Tax System of Bangladesh. In this way, we have collected information regarding overall tax system in Bangladesh .  As, tax is an important part of our country development. So, day by day, people are getting more conscious and informed about tax.  1.1. Origin of the report: The taxation system in Bangladesh is based on the ability to pay theory and hence utilizesRead MoreClassical and Neoclassical Economists: Adam Smith and John Maynard Keynes1289 Words  | 6 Pagesleaders†. Adam Smith, is known as the Father of economics, Capitalism and advocate of free market also known as laissez-faire. His theory of invisible hand of free enterprise and his 1776 Wealth of Nations is what he is most admired for, also the canons of taxation, labour theory of value, the division of labour, lastly he distinguished between production and non-production labour and value in use and value in exchange. Whereas John Maynard Keynes, is known as the Father of the Mixed Economy, and is knownRead MoreObamacare Economics Research Paper1441 Words  | 6 Pagesunsatisfying care since doctors are under-compensated. Merely, Medicaid expands Medicare instead of reforming it. Therefore many patients are bound to miss treatment. Looking at America’s history, laws are only as strong as its enforcement. Though PPACA has good intentions to stop insurance companies’ injustices, it may fall victim if it remains close (friends) and regulated with people allied to the insurance company. However, the bill is set to aid micro-businesses as well as other sectors to obtain insuranceRead MoreDeclaration of the Rights of Men and of Citizens1751 Words  | 8 Pages However, the uproar provoked by Julian Assange and Edward Snowden prove that the West cannot lay claims to an unmarred reputation of moral conduct. Individual intrinsic equality is never defined with autonomy, since it is always bordered by the canons of the law. The Declaration seems to state that the power of the law transcends the rights of man, as it may decide what is within and excluded from such rights. It is given the power to distinguish and determine. LAW The Declaration defines theRead MoreCanon Swot Analysis2046 Words  | 9 PagesCANON STRENGTHs: * Strong promotion: Canon India photo Marathon Contest 2011. Prizes- Grand prize: Photo clinic tour to Tasmania, Australia for top 2 winners 2nd prize winner: Wins the EOS 600D ( 18-55mm lens kit ) 3rd prize winner: Wins the EOS 550D ( 18-55mm lens kit) 4th prize winner: Wins the EOS 1100D (18-55mm IS lens kit) Held at three places simultaneously- Read MoreEssay on The Life of Martin Luther, the German Reformer1040 Words  | 5 PagesUniversity of Erfurt where he had received his B.A and M.A degrees by 1505 A.D. He intended to pursue a professional career in law. He was nearly struck by a lighting bolt in 1501 A.D and declared â€Å"St Anne, save me! And I will become a monk†. He made good on that vow and entered on Augustinian monastery. The monastic life and cold formatism of Roman Catholism did not satisfy the longing in his heart for peace with God. In his studies of the book of Psalms, Romans, and Galatians over a periodRead MoreThe Digital Camera Industry (Comparison of Canon and Sumsung)3760 Words  | 16 PagesI. Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to develop an understanding of how the digital camera industry operates in today’s society as well as several factors, which influence consumer behaviour in the buying process. This report uses Canon Inc as an illustration along with the discussion of each topic. Firstly, this report will discuss the background and size of the digital camera industry. The digital camera industry is getting bigger with the technological advancements in society
Monday, May 18, 2020
Biography Of Ludwig Van Beethoven s Moonlight Sonata
Ludwig Van Beethoven is one of the single most decorated composers and musicians in the history of mankind. The legendary German composer, though long deceased today, has left us with dozens and dozens of works composed and played by him for us to marvel at and understand the true meaning of music. Mainly known for his work and compositions with the piano, he composed pieces to be performed with multiple different instruments. My goal, however, is to explore one of the most popular compositions that he wrote for his cornerstone instrument, which is Op.27 No.2, more widely known to the world as his â€Å"Moonlight Sonata.†This legendary sonata was written to completion in 1801, and it is said that Beethoven wrote it in dedication to one of his†¦show more content†¦However, the somber tone that the work carries does not mean that it leaves anything to be desired in terms of its complexity, variety, and overall sound. Truly, just by listening to this piece off of the bat and attempting to analyze the style, it became very clear to see exactly why it is as highly revered and regarded as it is within the world of classical music, and among all of Beethoven’s other masterpieces. Something else that is remarkable about this piece of music is the fact that it intentionally does not share the form that is considered standard for piano sonatas. It is considered a more or less improvised variation of the Quasi Sonata form, mainly in the way its harmony is set up. The truth is that part of what makes this piece so special is the fact that it is different, the fact that it deviates from the standard course of what it is and was thought that a sonata is supposed to be. For this reason, and by daring to think outside the box, Beethoven created what is now considered one of the greatest pieces of classical music ever composed. The truth is that in listening to it, it definitely does become difficult to place, identify, or compare, simply because it is so different than most any piece of classical music that one could try to compare it to. In his book â€Å"Beethoven, Moonlight and the other sonatas, op. 27 and op. 31†, Dr. TimothyShow MoreRelatedThe Talented Pr okofiev And Beethoven Essay1775 Words  | 8 PagesSamantha Davis MUSIC 1302 Professor Eldridge The Talented Prokofiev and Beethoven Throughout history, many musicians and composers made a great impact on the musical world as we know it today. Some of the greats were Sergei Prokofiev and Beethoven. Even though they came in different time periods, they both made a huge impact on the musical world. Sergei Prokofiev was a 20th century Russian composer. His father, Sergei Alekseievich Prokofiev, was an agriculturalist and hisRead MoreIn This Paper We Will Go Through The Development Of The2089 Words  | 9 Pages In this paper we will go through the development of the keyboard through the nineteenth century in chamber music. We are going to look at three different composers, Joseph Haydn, Ludwig van Beethoven, and Johannes Brahms. We are going to look and see how they treated the keyboard in their lives and compositions. For each of the composers we will look at one keyboard chamber piece so we can learn just a little more about how important it was to each composer and why. [introduction paragraph to be
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Bachelor of Science Nursing Specialty Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners Care for Victims and Investigate Crime 2019
Forensic nursing is one of the fastest growing disciplines in the field of nursing, according to a recent report in The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin. Bachelor of science nursing program graduates who choose to specialize in forensic nursing assist law enforcement personnel in clinical investigation of victims and medical testimony in court. With the proper training, bachelor of science nursing graduates can practice in a variety of forensic areas, including sexual assault nursing. What is a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner? Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners with a bachelor of science nursing degree work very closely with victims of sexual assault through the majority of the criminal justice process. Bachelor of science nursing graduates who work as Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners not only provide direct care for victims, but also offer emotional support and information about victim services. Direct care duties of a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner include: Taking the health history of the victim. Analyzing existing injuries. Screening for sexually transmitted diseases. Collecting and preserving evidence. Documenting information about the crime. Required Education to Work as a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner In order to become certified as a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner, nurses must be licensed as Registered Nurses within the U.S. Licensure may be obtained through completing a hospital diploma, associate degree, or bachelor of science nursing program. Nurses must also have two years of experience as Registered Nurses before applying for certification. Finally, nurses must complete an adult Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner education program and participate in supervised clinical practice until deemed competent by an appropriate clinical authority. .u7cb1adb0dea798d84e4298d5a7e163ad { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .u7cb1adb0dea798d84e4298d5a7e163ad:active, .u7cb1adb0dea798d84e4298d5a7e163ad:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .u7cb1adb0dea798d84e4298d5a7e163ad { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .u7cb1adb0dea798d84e4298d5a7e163ad .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .u7cb1adb0dea798d84e4298d5a7e163ad .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .u7cb1adb0dea798d84e4298d5a7e163ad:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ A Doctor of Business Administration Degree Unlocks the Door to the Global EconomyNurses interested in becoming a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner have many options. Kaplan University, an online college for RN to BSN degree training, offers educational programs that lead to a Bachelor of Science Nursing diploma or a Forensic Nursing Certificate. The University of Phoenix offers a variety of nursing degrees, including: RN to Bachelor of Science in Nursing. MSN Master of Science in Nursing. MSN/ED Master of Science in Nursing/Health Care Education. MSN/IH Mater of Science in Nursing Integrative Health Care. MSN Master of Science in Nursing/MBA/Health Care Management. Nursing Health Care Education Certificate. Many hospitals also offer internships for nurses interested in gaining practical work experience in forensic nursing. Prospective students interested in learning more information about becoming a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner may visit the International Association of Forensic Nurses website and, a leading education and career resource website. .u39f1d25458bee7fb6c7b9768c0d720b6 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .u39f1d25458bee7fb6c7b9768c0d720b6:active, .u39f1d25458bee7fb6c7b9768c0d720b6:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .u39f1d25458bee7fb6c7b9768c0d720b6 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .u39f1d25458bee7fb6c7b9768c0d720b6 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .u39f1d25458bee7fb6c7b9768c0d720b6 .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .u39f1d25458bee7fb6c7b9768c0d720b6:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ A Nursing ShortageRelated ArticlesBachelor Degree Nursing Specialties Forensic Nurse Investigators Apply Medical Knowledge to Crime ScenesBachelor Degree Nursing Online Program Forensic Corrections Nurses Provide Needed Treatment to InmatesBachelor Criminal Justice Degree Online Could St. Louis Use more Criminal Justice College GraduatesBachelor Degree in Nursing Online Nephrology Nurses Attend to the Complex Needs of Patients with Kidney DiseaseCriminal Justice Bachelor Degree Single Parents in Colorado Find Convenience at Kaplan UniversityFind Law, Criminal Justice, Social Science Degree Programs
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis Of The Picture Of Dorian Gray - 1301 Words
Haley Morrow Mrs. Crook 12 AP English 15 Oct. 2015 Irony in The Picture of Dorian Gray More often than not, it is hard to face the consciousness of the inevitable. Everyone feels the distress of realizing that time is fleeting and they will soon grow old and wrinkly, no longer their youthful self. The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde, illustrates this human condition specifically through the main character Dorian Gray. Mr. Gray captures the artistic imagination of artist Basil Howard, who constantly paints portraits of Dorian. Basil usually depicts Dorian as an ancient Greek hero or a mythological creature, but when he completes his first portrait of Dorian for who he truly is he is disappointed because he feels as though this painting reveals too much about his subject. Dorian on the other hand goes to the extreme when he sees this portrait. Worrisome, Dorian believes that one day the portrait will remind him of his former beautiful and young self. Out of anguish, he curses the portrait, ultimately selling his soul to spare himself of the burdens of age and infa my, allowing him to stay forever young. In his novella, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde uses irony to exemplify an anomaly between the aging process of Dorian Gray in contrast with that of the portrait of himself, particularly in a society that prizes beauty and youth. Dorian’s first big act of cruelty begins when he inconsiderately calls of his engagement with Sibyl Vane, a beautiful actress. SibylShow MoreRelatedThe Picture Of Dorian Gray Analysis1892 Words  | 8 Pagesnovel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, with a reflection on Art, the Artist, and the utility of both. After watchful investigation, he finishes up: All art is quite useless. In other words, genuine Art takes no part in embellishing the social or moral constructs of the society, nor should it. Art ought to be lovely and give pleasure to its spectator. The masterpiece of an artist is very absurd and abstract no matter how clear it appears to the eyes. In the novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Wilde triesRead MoreThe Picture Of Dorian Gray Character Analysis830 Words  | 4 Pagesthe way the characters themselves interact with both their own thoughts and the world around them. In the works chosen, the appearances of the characters to be analyzed fall on opposite ends of the spectrum of aestheticism. Dorian Gray, from Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray possesses an â€Å"...extraordinary personal beauty (Wilde 1),†one that controls other character’s reception of him, as well as affecting his own inner thoughts, for he knows that he seen as beautiful. On the opposite side ofRead MoreThe Picture Of Dorian Gray Analysis1282 Words  | 6 PagesTo create a moral balance in the brain, one must have a good amount of self-regulation with the occasional act of self-indulgence. However, in â€Å"The Picture of Dorian Gray†by Oscar Wilde, both Dorian’s desires and virtues are out of balance and in conflict with themselves. Dorian’s obsession with maintaining his youth and beauty prevents him from seeing right from wrong, especially when it comes to his own morality. By committing illegal acts, having evil intentions while influencing both loversRead MoreAnalysis Of Picture Of Dorian Gray 804 Words  | 4 Pa gesAssignment Ivan Albright Picture of Dorian Gray 1943/44 Oil on canvas 215.9 x 106.7 cm (85 x 42 in.) The painting is a self-portrait of the fictional character Dorian gray. The painting was used in the film where the character had asked a portrait of him as a handsome man. Dorian gray trades in his soul for him to remain forever young and handsome. Gray lives a life where he does things that are morally corrupt. Gray continues not to age but the painting starts to change showing grays moral corruption.Read MoreThe Picture Of Dorian Gray Analysis1087 Words  | 5 Pagesmore opposing forces, is continually plagued by them and eventually gives in to one or the other. In Oscar Wilde’s novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, the main character Dorian faces two conflicting forces in the symbolic form of two of his dearest friends, which ties in with the stories most prevalent theme of good vs. evil. At the very beginning of the novel, readers meet Dorian as a very young man who has been untouched by any kind of evil or wrongdoing. He is completely innocent and ignorant to allRead MoreThe Picture Of Dorian Gray Analysis1257 Words  | 6 PagesIn the Victorian prose, The Portrait of Dorian Gray explores the idea of duality. The divided self within the character of Dorian Gray begins with his misunderstanding of his self-image, because of the influence of a portrait. Dorian’s fate and transformation connect to the painting, which leads to his downfall. The painting contains Dorians moral decline as changes to the picture affects his life. Through the portrait, he gains an image of himself as an independent individual compared to his previousRead MoreThe Picture Of Dorian Gray Analysis1623 Words  | 7 Pages Oscar Wilde’s novel The Picture of Dorian Gray shows us the triumph of a corrupting influence over a virtuous one. In the novel, Lord Henry’s influence over Dorian overpowers Basil’s and leads to Dorian’s eventual demise. In analyzing Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray, the theme of good versus evil reflects off of Lord Henry’s and Basil’s interactions with Dorian and Dorian’s internal struggles, thus exemplifying that a person with weak virtues will falter in the face of hedonistic temptationRead MoreEssay on Analysis of the Women in The Picture of Dorian Gray1149 Words  | 5 PagesAnalysis of the Women in The Picture of Dorian Gray      Sibyl falls head over heels in love with Dorian Gray, willing to commit her life to him after only two weeks. Lady Henry hardly knows her husband, to whom she has been married for some time. Because neither woman is in a stable and comfortable situation, both eventually take drastic measures to move on. Therefore, in The Picture of Dorian Gray, both Sibyl Vane and Lady Henry are weak, flighty, and naive.          The weakness ofRead MoreThe Picture Of Dorian Gray Aestheticism Analysis935 Words  | 4 Pagesof aestheticism, a nineteenth-century arts movement that had a significant impact on the writings of Oscar Wilde; in particular, his enrapturing novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, is an insightful narration that expresses many of the central elements of this aesthetic philosophy. Centered on the life of an attractive young man named Dorian Gray, the novel details how through the influence of others, he becomes morally depraved, and sells his soul in exchange for eternal youth. The main instigatorRead MoreThe Picture Of Dorian Gray Aestheticism Analysis1585 Words  | 7 Pagesmaking a useful thing as long as he does not admire it. The only excuse for making a useless thing is that one admires it intensely. All art is quite useless.†This is a stark claim made by Oscar Wilde in the preface to his only novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray (3). Along with the rest o f Wilde’s preface, this sentence rebukes literary realism in favor of aestheticism. This is unsurprising to anyone who is familiar with the playwright’s other plays and lectures; Wilde was an avid opponent of realism
Strategic Market Planning Free Essays
Tutorial 2. 2 Strategic Market Planning 1. 4 – Discuss the concept of balanced strategic planning and the approach outlined by the Balanced Performance Scorecard. We will write a custom essay sample on Strategic Market Planning or any similar topic only for you Order Now What are the five common principles associated with implementing the balanced approach to strategic planning? The idea of having balanced strategic planning outlined by the balanced performance scorecard is to allow organizations to implement strategy rapidly and with great efficiency by integrating the measurement system with the management system. The balanced performance scorecard converts an organizations vision and strategy into a number of action measures that provide the basis for a strategic management and measurement system. The balanced scorecard approaches strategy from four complementary perspectives: financial, customer, internal process, and learning and growth. The five common principles associated with implementing the balanced approach to strategic planning are :- 1. Translate the strategy into operational terms. 2. Align the organization to strategy. 3. Make the strategy a part of everyone’s everyday job. 4. Make the strategy a continual process, i. e. through every stage of the development, manufacture and distribution of a product. 5. Mobilize change through executive leadership. 2. 4 – Describe the role that a code of conduct plays in ensuring ethical compliance within a firm. How should a code of conduct be developed, what should it contain, and what are the keys to ensuring that the code is successfully implemented? Codes of conduct are formal statements that describe what an organization expects of its employees. Codes of conduct define good practice by reflecting on the core values of rights, relationships, responsibilities, standards and safety. A code of conduct should be more than a list of rules for employees to adhere by. It should also be an expression of a company or organizations values and an extension of its policies. It should be well thought out, so as to be a meaningful, useful document that employees actually use. The main things contained in a code of conduct should include the following:- 1. Freedom of association and the right to bargain collectively. 2. Forced and bonded labour. 3. Child labour. 4. Non- discrimination. 5. Health and safety. 6. Hours of work. 7. Wages. 8. Security of employment. Also trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship should be included. To ensure that the code is successfully implemented it should be used by everyone and at every stage within an organization. Everyone should be accountable if it is they do not adhere to the code of conduct. 2. 5 – What is the relationship among marketing ethics, strategic planning, and organizational performance? How is being market oriented different than having a stakeholder orientation? Adhering to good marketing ethics and being socially responsible will increase an organizations performance while pressure to meet performance objectives can also lead to unethical activities. Strategic planning sets out long term goals and objectives for a company so they can see where they want to be performance ways. It ensures that a company will have a good performance for a number of years, and not just for the present, it is a vital attribute for a company to half whether the company is large or small if it is to achieve its objectives and meet performance targets. Being market oriented means a company or organization reacts to what the customers want and all decisions taken are based around information about customers needs and wants rather than what the business thinks is right for the customer. A company that is shareholder oriented typically views the impact of business operations on profit, furthermore the length of concern for changes in business operations is usually short term such as meeting quarterly or annual results. How to cite Strategic Market Planning, Essay examples
Entrepreneurial Management Capabilities †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Entrepreneurial Management Capabilities. Answer: Introduction: An entrepreneur, by definition, is a person that brings together resources in a business and undergoes several risks to make profits in business. The business world has become divergent with several factors presenting room for business products. Globalization has transformed the world population which has seen the number of Muslims as well as their influence increase in the world. The increasing population presents entrepreneurs with a new business product within the existent financial sector. As such, entrepreneurs stay alive to the fact and use the opportunity to secure new product lines within the business world. The paper looks at the sociological theories of entrepreneurs and the management capabilities it brings to their prospective businesses where it presents business opportunities developed from the already existing banking models. The banking industry has been existent in the Australian market offering various services including the provision of loan facilities to individuals. The mode of lending has over time remained the interest charging model on loans, which coincides with most cultures, apart from that of the Muslim faith. In this case, it presents a room for entrepreneurship where a product can be developed from the dominant model to suit the needs of the Muslim faithful (Schaper, 2016). The core business, in this case, remains the banking sector providing loans to all individuals and charging interest on the same while the developing one being the product that complies with the Sharia Banking rules observed by the Muslims. Therefore, a single product created from the existing is developed to meet the needs of the population while increasing the market share and amount of savings made without charging of interest. Sociology Theories of Entrepreneurship Theories existing try to prove the effect of sociology in entrepreneurship and the manner in which they influence change. One of the approaches is developed by Max Weber which features the spirit of capitalism, the risk-taking aspect, and the style in which religion propels the same (Gmsay, 2015). A leader in the different sphere of influence can affect the social nature of the business and the way people engage in the same. The theory believes that religion can cause a social change which in return gives entrepreneurs opportunities to explore in industry. Religious leaders or denominations remain a prime factor for social influence as in the case of some having a deep belief in earning and acquiring money through profits while some have less of the same (Stam, Arzlanian Elfring 2014). As such, entrepreneurship energies remain dependent on religious beliefs in the social sphere as they struggle to provide services and goods that go in line with different religious beliefs. The theory draws the assumption that every individual in the society bears the social and cultural power and, as such affect the decisions by entrepreneurs. In the long-run, the theory supports economic development and relevancy as the market widens. The different model of people and culture within a society determines a lot in the decision entrepreneurs can take in making profits (Schaper, 2016). Once one cultural power becomes dominant or gains a significant following, it presents a business opportunity to be explored by entrepreneurs. As different people become influential, so does their religious aspect, which leads to several changes and opportunities in business. The banking industry remains open to the benefits of sociological theories of entrepreneurship as the world becomes increasingly global. The arguments of sociology apply in the banking industry in Australia as evident in the way mainstream bank have to explore the option of developing Islamic Banking options which go along with the Islamic faith (Zahra, Newey Li, 2014). The new way of lending has gained popularity in the nation where the law applies to Muslims as per their religion. The notion of interest serves as the difference between western and Islamic banking thus creating the necessity for the entrepreneurial opportunity (Kuratko, 2016). Muslims, in most cases, decline standard loans as their law forbids the charging of interest. Thus, the banks have to develop a tailor-made product for the loans and the mortgage facility for individuals in the Muslim religion. Eventually, it led to the provision where home buyers make rent payments to financial institutions until a period where they can receive full ownership of property. The aspect coincides with their faith and thus offering a different business line apart from the conventional interest charging done over years. Deliveries and Changes Associated with Business The new product line presents a wide opportunity in expanding the market share of banks in the loans department. A section of the population that had secluded itself due to the religious factors receive accommodation thus growing their interactions with banks in the savings, investment, shares, and credit facilities (Ratten, 2013). Several changes in policies have to be made to comply with the required population. In this respect, the management needs to adopt the sharia law and at least employ people with diverse knowledge and preferably Muslims into the business segment (Leyden, Link Siegel, 2014). A deep understanding and correspondence to the same have to occur before marketing the product to the market. The new product line has to be advertised to the population through several agencies to reach the community adequately. At the same time, restrictions have to be made to cater for the group where the business has to remain exclusively for the Muslims while verifications documents remaining in use to ascertain the credibility (Gmsay, 2015). Cultural observations have to be made to prevent the product being misused by persons not qualifying within the provisions. Conclusion Entrepreneurship remains a key factor in determining the type of business or opportunity to explore. The ability to secure a distinct product line gives companies the capability to grow and develop their financial might. Entrepreneurs in the banking sector have to explore the options as the investment among the Muslims continues to increase. The banking sector can benefit from the theory of socialization which brings in the religious aspect of a business that has remained unexplored (Chaston, 2017). Exploring the channel leads to business development where a product line is developed from the existing market. Eventually, it leads to business growth as a new segment is tapped into thus growing the financial transactions in the banking industry. References Chaston, I. (2017). Entrepreneurship. InTechnological Entrepreneurship(pp. 1-24). Springer International Publishing. Gmsay, A. A. (2015). Entrepreneurship from an Islamic perspective.Journal of business ethics,130(1), 199-208. Kuratko, D. F. (2016).Entrepreneurship: Theory, process, and practice. Cengage Learning. Leyden, D. P., Link, A. N., Siegel, D. S. (2014). A theoretical analysis of the role of social networks in entrepreneurship.Research Policy,43(7), 1157-1163. Ratten, V. (2013). Social cognitive theory in mobile banking innovations. InMobile Applications and Knowledge Advancements in E-Business(pp. 42-55). IGI Global. Schaper, M. (Ed.). (2016).Making ecopreneurs: developing sustainable entrepreneurship. CRC Press. Stam, W., Arzlanian, S., Elfring, T. (2014). Social capital of entrepreneurs and small firm performance: A meta-analysis of contextual and methodological moderators.Journal of Business Venturing,29(1), 152-173. Zahra, S. A., Newey, L. R., Li, Y. (2014). On the frontiers: The implications of social entrepreneurship for international entrepreneurship.Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,38(1), 137-158.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Customers Relationship Marketing Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Customers Relationship Marketing. Answer: Introduction It can be said that the term relationship marketing refers to the process that includes establishing a long-term relationship with the customers of the organization in order to attain more productivity and profitability. Effective communication within the workplace is necessary for increasing the overall level of performance as it would annihilate the confusion among various levels of the workforce and that will effectively increase the accuracy of the employees[1]. The increased accuracy among the employees helps the customers to get goods that are superior in qualitative aspects and that can potentially increase the level of satisfaction among the customer base of the company. Organizational communication Organizational communication is a process where all the employees along with the leaders of the company are able to collect pertinent information regarding the organization and regarding the operations of the company[2]. In general, there are two motives of organizational communication. The former is to provide necessary information to the general workforce regarding their roles and responsibilities to increase their overall performance. The second motive is to increase the customer satisfaction level by delivering them quality products by increasing the level of performance of the employees[3]. Building trust among the employees and customers Building trust among the employees can be attained by increasing the level of communication within the workplace. The approach of the employers should be transparent with the employees. This is important as, if the employees in trouble can easily contact and take inputs from their managers, it would lesser the amount of pressure on them and they will understand that the management will always support them when required. This is essential to build the trust among the employees and it would effectively increase the productivity of the organization[4]. In this regard, it is worth mentioning that employees are the nucleus of the business organizations and when they are motivated, they become an asset for the organization. Thus, the management of the business organizations should try to improve the level of motivation among the workforce by using communication within the workplace as an effective tool and also by using various reward and recognition procedure and use various motivational theories to increase the performance level of the employees. Customer loyalty and satisfaction By improving the overall performance, the management of the business organizations will be able to deliver products of higher quality to their customers and that can effectively make them more loyal towards the organization[5]. In contemporary times, the rivalry in the market has become a major force and to deal with it, the managements of various business organizations should try to capture a fair share of the market by turning the target customers more loyal towards their organization[6]. Thus, it would be important for the business leaders to understand the fact that in contemporary times if they become unable to make their target customers to get loyal towards their organization, there may be negative impacts of these on the business. Even the business might get exposed to a great threat and that can effectively harm the profitability of the organization. Methodology of the research Research methodology can be explained as a process that is utilized to gather necessary information from various sources. The basic purpose of methodology of research is to evaluate the gathered information with numerous tools of methodology for completion of the research work. Research approach The aim of the research approach is to analyze the gathered information by assessing the problems of the research work from different perspectives. There are two types of research approaches; one is deductive and the other one is inductive[7]. For this particular research work, the deductive approach of research will be used as it would allow him or her to complete the work with taking help from various theories that are accessible and hypothesis testing[8]. The deductive approach will be chosen as opting inductive approach would have harmed the process of the research as when a new theory not appears relevant for the research work and the entire work might lose its flow. Research philosophy Generally there are three types of research philosophy and those are positivism, interpretivism and realism. For this particular research work, positivism philosophy of the research will be chosen as the research would be working on to determine how organizational communication could enhance the customer satisfaction[9]. Thus, positivism philosophy will be best suited as in this way, before collecting the information and data, a detailed observation will be made and it would help to carry on the research work. Apart from that, positivism philosophy of research is quite cost effective, as it would not require huge time to analyze the research problems. Research methods For a research work, data analysis and data collection are the most significant areas. It is a matter of fact that these are the most important tools for conducting a research work. There are basically two sorts of methods for collecting data, one is primary and the other one is secondary. It is seen that primary sources of information can be collected by interviewing, providing questionnaire and surveying. For this particular research, at least 50 general employees and 10 managers of the mobile company will be interviewed to gather necessary information. Apart from that, the researcher would gather some secondary information from sources like government websites, journals and magazines for progressing with the research work[10]. For this particular research work, the qualitative data collection method will be followed and information will be gathered by interviewing 60 respondents that is mentioned earlier. Conclusion Thus, it can be said that the increasing the communication within the workplace is very important as it would allow the business leaders to motivate the general workforce so that they can experience an increase in the overall performance of the business organization. It is a matter of fact, that if the overall performance of the business organizations gets increased the management will deliver goods to the customers, which are of superior quality. This will effectively increase the satisfaction level of the customers and will enable the management to experience greater productivity along with the profitability. References Flick, Uwe.Introducing research methodology: A beginner's guide to doing a research project. Sage, 2015. Goetsch, David L., and Stanley B. Davis.Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson, 2014. Jacobs, Mark A., Wantao Yu, and Roberto Chavez. 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